On April 6, 2022, the City of Martinez’s City Council approved the Independent Redistricting Commission’s selected City Election District map. Learn more about the adopted map at RedefineMartinez.org/selected-map.
While the redistricting process is complete, this site remains live to serve as an archive of the redistricting process including the schedule, draft maps and resources. However, various links have been deactivated since the process is completed.
Letter from the Independent Redistricting Commission Chair
This is your opportunity to redefine Martinez and as Chair of the Independent Redistricting Commission, I urge you to participate in drawing new City Council districts. This effort is truly driven by residents; it is an effort in which You Decide! Take a minute to learn more about redistricting and how you can make a difference for our community.
Christina Reich, Chair of the Independent Redistricting Commission

The Redistricting Process
The City of Martinez is asking for your help to plan and draw new City districts.
Every 10 years, local governments use new data from the Census to redraw their district lines to reflect how local populations have changed. Assembly Bill 849 (2019) requires cities and counties to engage communities in the redistricting process by holding public hearings and doing public outreach, including to underrepresented and non-English-speaking communities.
Redistricting determines which neighborhoods and communities are grouped together into a district for purposes of electing a council member. Our Independent Redistricting Commission (IRC), which is made up of members of the public, will provide input in selecting the next district map for our council districts. You have an opportunity to share how you think district boundaries should be drawn to best represent your community. For the City of Martinez, the redistricting process must be complete by April 17, 2022.
The final map created through the redistricting process will define Martinez’s City Council district boundaries for the next 10 years. There are many ways to participate in redistricting and we invite you to get involved!
How to participate?
Share your specific thoughts, draw a map, or attend an upcoming meeting to get involved!
- Submit written testimony about the process or a specific map to cityclerk@cityofmartinez.org
- Click here to see the calendar of workshops and public hearings at which you can speak about the process or a specific map.
- Click here for information on drawing and submitting maps.
At the hearings and workshops, we want you to:
- Define your neighborhood or community of interest
- Explain why redistricting is relevant to your community
- Get the tools you need to draw a map of one district or of all four districts
- Share your opinions of the draft maps
- Talk to your neighbors and local organizations
Do you know a local organization that might be interested in the City’s redistricting process? Check the Commission’s Community-Based Organizations suggested outreach list here. If your organization is not already included on the list, please submit the organization’s name and public contact information using this form.
Get to know the Independent Redistricting Commission (IRC)
On August 4, 2021, the first four (4) Commissioners listed were randomly drawn from each Quadrant of the City. On August 13, 2021, the first 4 Commissioners discussed and selected the next three (3) Commissioners from a designated pool of applicants. Finally, another random draw was undertaken at the end of the August 13th meeting to determine the final two (2) Alternates from the remaining pool of qualified applicants.
Name | Quadrant |
Christina Reich, Chair | Quadrant 1 |
Ed McCarthy, Vice-Chair | Quadrant 4 |
Gretchen Egen | Quadrant 1 |
Julian Frazer | Quadrant 2 |
Robert Perry | Quadrant 2 |
Rhonda Cavin | Quadrant 3 |
Diana Solero | Quadrant 4 |
Alternate: Wendy Nelson | Quadrant 1 |